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Careers > user experience researcher

User Experience

UX researcher

What I do

I start by understanding a problem or challenge that our design team is facing, then look at it from a user’s perspective. I research and run tests, interviewing users to see how they interact with our products, and I analyze their feedback to make sure we’re giving them the best experience possible. The last piece is presenting the results to my team, to help them make informed decisions about the design of our products.

Skills needed

  • Critical thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration

Courses to study

  • UX Design
  • Research Methodologies
  • Information Science
  • Metadata
  • Data Organization
  • Data Analysis
  • Card Sorting
  • Usability Testing
  • User Interviews

What are the best parts of my job?

I love getting to know our users, understanding their unique challenges, what motivates them, frustrates them, and delights them. And it’s kind of like a puzzle, figuring out what questions to ask so I can really get to the heart of their goals and needs. The insights I get from them really help me paint a picture for my team, helping them understand how they can create an experience that works.

How does my job make an impact?

My job is all about empathy. I bridge the gap between users and designers, helping my team understand and remember that the people using our products are human, with real feelings and real frustrations. And the insights I provide have a real impact on the whole design process, from the initial concept to the finished product.

How to learn more

Career Foundry offers a ton of resources and free guidance about UX research as a career. The Nielsen Norman Group is also a great place to start, for research and analysis that’s already been done. But the very best place to start is with the basics – learn the Laws of UX to understand what defines user experience so you can apply best practices to everything you do.