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Careers > data scientist


data scitentist

What I do

My job is all about identifying patterns and predicting problems before they happen. To do that, I collect large sets of data, build models and algorithms to extract what’s most relevant, and analyze the results to draw and share conclusions. This is a form of artificial intelligence.

Skills needed

  • Problem solving
  • Persistence
  • Flexibility: there are multiple roles in this field— Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, etc— and we often move between them.

Courses to study

  • Computer Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Excel and Business Analytics
  • Python 3, R, Scala
  • Operational Research

What are the best parts of my job?

I love exploring complex problems that other people haven’t been able to solve yet. There’s a lot of satisfaction in finding and building the solution before anyone else! I also love that every day is different, with a new challenge and a new chance to explore the unknown.

How does my job make an impact?

Artificial intelligence is already widespread, fueling the digital assistant revolution (Alexa, Siri etc) and now even used by TESLA to drive cars. Most people use AI on a daily basis without even knowing it. But it also comes with a lot of responsibility—those of us who create it have to stay conscious of how it can be biased or misused.

How to learn more

  • KAGGLE - an online platform where you can access data and participate in challenges
  • Data-focused college courses